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【eBay实习】Ads Software Engineer
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eBayHR    等级  

楼主 发表于  2016/11/30 17:13:58    编 辑   

We are looking for an intern who has interests in agile development in technical development for eBay Ads China team, with primary responsibilities of designing, building, monitoring, developing projects and evaluating new and emerging technologies for use within the eBay marketplace. The ideal candidate will be self-motivated and intimately familiar with Java, Scala, Python, MySQL, and Hadoop related knowledge, and have proficiency for many open source tools and Object orientation programming experience.

Main Responsibilities:
- Design and deliver quality software according to internal and customer driven specifications
- Define, design, implement, unit test and debug complex, multi-tier software applications for eBay internal applications
- Understand customer business and technical requirements and make sure implementation meets them
- Plan, communicate and execute system change requests from internal customers.
- Troubleshooting issues related to production systems.
- Write technical documents for customers do testing, rollout codes to tools cluster
- Develop industry and product technical expertise

Job Requirements:
- Bachelor's degree or higher in Computer Science or equivalent
- Can work at least 3 days per week, commit 6-12 month internship.
- Strong programming skills and knowledge in Java and Oracle/MySQL database application development.
- Experience in Scala or Python is preferred.
- Experience in NoSQL databases (Redis, Cassandra, HBase, etc..) is preferred.
- Experience in web UI design and skills of JQuery, Bootstraps, Reactive, etc. is preferred.
- Experience in open source frameworks and tools in Hadoop eco-system is preferred.
- Strong communication skills including writing and speaking in English
- Ability to meet deadlines and willingness to take additional responsibilities
- Team spirit and the ability to work in a multi-cultural team environment

Please send your CV to yimhuang@ebay.com if you are interested in it.
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