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Apple 2017 校园招聘(秋季)-实习生及全职
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xiuxiu    等级  ★★★

楼主 发表于  2016/10/14 18:31:59    编 辑   

Apple 2017 校园招聘(秋季)-实习生及全职

Apple is a place where extraordinary people gather to do their best work. Our community is made up of every kind of individual: artists and designers, engineers and scientists, thinkers and doers. Together we create things and experiences people once couldn’t have imagined — and now can’t imagine living without. So if you’re excited by the idea of making a real impact, a career with Apple might be your dream job. Just be ready to dream big.
2016年11月09日18:30  浙江大学(玉泉校区)永谦活动中心第二报告厅

1. 请在浏览器中打开链接申请职位
Zhejiang University: http://appleasia.avature.net/ursite?jobId=835&source=UR+site&tags=Zhejiang+U%7C102016
2. 进入申请页面后,在Additional Information中备注申请的实习/全职的职位名称 (可多个)
3. 上传英文版简历并提交申请
4. 职位介绍请参考职位介绍
5. 实习岗位均最短希望3个月时间(可兼职)


xiuxiu    等级  ★★★

2 楼 发表于  2016/10/17 23:59:43    编 辑   

Apple is a place where extraordinary people gather to do their best work. Our community is made up of every kind of individual: artists and designers, engineers and scientists, thinkers and doers. Together we create things and experiences people once couldn’t have imagined — and now can’t imagine living without. So if you’re excited by the idea of making a real impact, a career with Apple might be your dream job. Just be ready to dream big.
2016年11月09日18:30  浙江大学(玉泉校区)永谦活动中心第二报告厅
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