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【eBay实习】NuData Intern
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eBayHR    等级  

楼主 发表于  2017/8/8 15:03:56    编 辑   

Job Title: eBay NuData部门招实习生

Job Description:

1.Develop eBay NoSQL database and platform
2.Big data related development

Required Skill set:
1. Smart and quick learning.
2. Proficient in Java programming. Solid knowledge about data structure and al
3. Experienced with Rest, Pure SQL development is a plus.
4. MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra is a big plus.
4. Kafka, Storm or other BigData metric store background is a big plus.
6. Master degree and above is preferred.

Additional Requirements:
Be able to work at least 4 days per week. Long term(1 years) internship with e
Bay, at least 6 months.

Please send your resume to yzhang35@ebay.com if you are interested.

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