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GE    等级  

楼主 发表于  2016/3/10 16:34:46    编 辑   

寻寻觅觅这么久,只为寻找一家理想的企业雇主?七手八脚填网申,只为发现一个perfect match的岗位?挑灯夜战备面试,只为等待一个心仪的offer?
现在,机会来了!通用电气招供应链管理方向的管理培训生啦!你是今年将毕业的学生吗?你有工科背景吗?你渴望进入外企吗?你热爱供应链和先进制造吗?你想给自己的职业发展争取一个良好的开端吗?If so,那就赶紧加入GE吧!

通用电气(GE) 公司是一家全球领先的科技、服务和软件公司,是全球最大的多元化企业,致力于解决世界上最棘手的问题。GE的产品和服务范围广阔,从能源、石油天然气、水处理、航空、医疗、运输、照明,到工业级软件应用,客户遍及全球100多个国家,拥有30多万员工。

OMLP(Operations Management Leadership Program), 运营管理领导能力培训项目旨在培养全球化供应链管理人才。通过两年供应链内不同职能部门挑战性的三个轮岗和GE全球标准化顶级培训,项目成员能够掌握最新供应链核心知识,全方位锻炼领导力,并能应对GE全球供应链带来的各种挑战。为项目成员在职业生涯的早期,奠定坚实的基础。
OMLP有两个培养方向,一个是生产运营,另一个是环境、健康、安全方向 ( EHS track),在两年的项目期内都会经历3个不同的轮岗,每个轮岗为期8个月,内容涉及供应链管理的各个方面,其中生产运营方向包括:Supply Chain Management , Shop Operations, Technical等,EHS track 方向包括一个生产运营的轮岗和两个健康,安全,环保方向 的轮岗。

业务集团 岗位名称 工作地点
发电集团 OMLP 杭州
发电集团 OMLP-EHS Track 秦皇岛
发电集团 OMLP 沈阳
能源管理集团 OMLP 苏州
能源管理集团 OMLP 上海
医疗集团 OMLP 北京
医疗集团 OMLP 桐庐

岗位职责 & 要求
1. OMLP – EHS Track
OMLP members have the opportunity to learn the entire supply chain, state of-the-art methods of manufacturing, sourcing, and to be exposed to environment, health, and safety technical and business aspects within a business through structured course work and practical application

Environmental, Health, Safety major or related
Good communication skills
Serious and responsible for work
High efficiency and passion to work
Fluent communication in English (CET lever 6 or above)
Good at Microsoft office tools

The GE Operations Management Leadership Program combines broad exposure to core Supply Chain and Services job assignments along with formal classroom studies.
Due to the rotational nature of the Program, a member will typically complete three to four assignments over a two-year period, each approximately six to eight months in length that cut across different aspects in manufacturing processes, products and services.
Program members will also receive applicable technical and business training to compliment their rotational on-the-job training.
Domestic relocation is typically required while on program.
Typically a program member will have a supervisory, technical, sourcing and production / materials management assignment while on program.
Collaborate with Assignment Leader in setting and achieving realistic and challenging operation goals.
Plan and perform assigned tasks within the framework of areas’ schedules, budget, quality and cost constraints while maintaining accuracy and thoroughness in results.
Demonstrate ability to understand and apply operational and technical fundamentals in the business environment using analytical and problem solving skills.
Develop cooperation and teamwork while leading diverse groups in the development and implementation of team goals.
Generate innovative ideas and apply change best practices to ensure impact of key initiatives.
Complete Technical training in areas such as Contemporary Manufacturing, Global Supply Chain Management, American Production & Inventory Control Society (APICS) Certification, Six Sigma. Quality training with Greenbelt Certification, Environmental, Health & Safety.
Complete business training in topics such as Project Management, Team Leading.

Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Information Technology is preferred.
Outstanding academic achievements (Top 25% of class) or a minimum of a 3. GPA on a 4. scale is preferred.
Geographic flexibility and global mindset.
Strong oral and written communication skills.
Strong interpersonal and leadership skills.
Strong analytical and problem solving skills.
Able to coordinate many tasks concurrently.
Strong business acumen with the ability to motivate others.


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