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【实习】GE中国-HR Intern(GE医疗集团,人力资源部)
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楼主 发表于  2016/3/7 15:28:03    编 辑   

-Intern Title: HR Intern
-Location: Beijing Yizhuang
-Working Frequency: At least 4 days/week, 5 days per week preferred.
-Duration: At least 4-6 months
- You are expected to report for work on date of 2016-3-10
Assist R&D HR Team to:
CV mining & Data tracking; Interview arrangement;
Talent pool maintenance;
Training and Employee relationship activities supports
Provide logistics supports as needed
Other HR related business required
Postgraduate student who will graduate in 2016 or later is preferred;
或大四 直研(大四应届生也可)的同学,请保证至少4个月的实习期
Be able to work 4 full days/week 5days prefer during this semester.
Major in HR, Administration Management, Business Management, Psychology is preferred
Excellent both in oral and written English
Responsible, detailed, result-oriented,
Enthusiastic and willing to work hard
Passion to learn HR professional /knowledge
Excellent in outlook, Excel, Word and etc.
Salary: postgraduate:130RMB/day ; Undergraduate 110RMB/day
请发送中英文简历至: admin@careerqihang.com(HR Intern-Univ.-Major-Graduation year-days/week-Chinese Name+ job02349)
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