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【实习】瀚纳仕-HAYS——Marketing Assistant
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职场启航网    等级  

楼主 发表于  2016/2/4 15:12:23    编 辑   

We are looking for a talented and driven university graduate / student to join our marketing department as Marketing Assistant. You will work closely with China Marketing Manager to provide administrative & marketing support. Job areas includes managing marketing collateral, job boards and advertising, PR and events, and some ad hoc marketing projects. You will be supporting the team in real practical work and adding value to the business.

To qualify for this opportunity
You will need to demonstrate a passion for marketing field
You will have already accomplished excellent academic records, but also have demonstrated proactiveness in extracurricular activities.
You will be someone who has good interpersonal skills and attention to details.
Strong command of both English & Chinese is required.
You need to be technical savvy and want to exceed expectations to develop your own knowledge and skills.

We prefer students who are able to dedicate to the role for more than 3 months.
请发送英文简历至: admin@careerqihang.com(Marketing Intern+毕业院校+姓名+job02293)
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