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【Intel 上海实习】Deep learning Software Intern – 1
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楼主 发表于  2020/2/14 10:31:01    编 辑   

【Intel 上海实习】Deep learning Software Intern – 1

Location: Shanghai
Contact: staffing.sh@intel.com

Work Location: 上海市闵行区紫竹科学园(公司免费班车/地铁 5 号线)

Do you love the challenges of working with systems that host petabytes of data and many tens of thousands of cores? To build platforms that analyze these data using next generations of analytics, machine learning & deep learning technologies (e.g., Spark, BigDL, TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorcch, Flink, Docker, etc.)? Working at these problems requires solving many technical challenges in the areas of computer architecture, operating systems, file system, data storage, database, network, distributed computing, data analytics, machine learning and deep learning.

We are looking for great interns who have a wealth of passion with complex software systems, distributed systems, and/or machine learning. You will design and develop models, pipelines and solutions using big data analytics, machine learning and deep learning, as well as build optimized layers, architectures, models and learning pipelines for customer''s use cases.

* Bachelor, Master, or PhD degree in Computer Science or similar technical discipline (or equivalent)
* A solid foundation in computer science, with strong competencies in computer system internals, data structures, algorithms, and software design
* Experience with machine learning and deep learning technologies is a plus
* Experience with large-scale, distributed data processing frameworks (e.g., Spark, Kafka, YARN, Tachyon, Mesos, etc.) is a plus
* Fluency in English (reading and writing)

请发送简历至 staffing.sh@intel.com

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